
Playing catch-up and settling into a rountine.

Note from Kendra: Ryan had this post saved in a draft. It was really hard for him to find the energy to finish it, and, Ryan being who he is, he didn't want to publish something incomplete. I'm sorry he didn't get to finish it:

Well, it feels like an eternity since I updated this site and I really have no excuses. But because there is sooo much info to bring everyone up to speed with, I'm going to have to break this post up into multiple postings over the next few days .

To begin with, though, I would like to give a huge, heart-felt THANK YOU!!!! to Kendra's mother Debra! It is through her generosity that we have been hooked up to high-speed internet here at the apartment and can now connect with all of our friends all over the world! This really means so much to us, Debra, and it wouldn't have happened so quickly and easily without you! Thank you!

I would also like to thank Brian and Teresa for the many trips they have taken down to SeaTac Airport to pick up my crazy friends from CA, and for taking them into their home when needed. You have saved us a lot of headache dealing with the time-consuming logistics.

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