
Greetings from Ken and Shirley

Christmas greetings to our family and friends,
Many of you read this blog more often than we are able to update it. Now that things have slowed down a little bit for me (Shirley), I'd like to add some thoughts. I'm sure you are wondering what we are feeling during this unexpected turn of events in our lives. Our initial shock and grief 5 weeks ago has turned into numbness, then a gradual awareness of God's gracious working in and through Ryan's life and our experience here in Seattle. Today Ryan is sitting up, eating well, talking on the phone, visiting with us, taking his meds. Some days he sleeps more. Hospice is helping to tweak the meds so the pain and nausea are managed. He continues to face each day with courage and incredible peace. He has had one round of chemo, which seems to have made him more comfortable. He appreciates his many visitors, including his brother, sister, and some cousins. He is on oxygen most of the time.
As for us, we are experiencing an outpouring of love from you. We treasure each card, each phone call, every expression of kindness, and every prayer that you have given on our behalf. You are truly "living Christmas" to us, reaching out in love as God did so many years ago in sending his Son for all of us.
Looking forward: Ryan is celebrating his 29th birthday this Friday with another round of chemo. Kendra prepares for grad school in the fall of 2007 by completing a test and application process in January 2007.
Thanks again for your prayers, and may all of you have a blessed Christmas!
Love from Ken and Shirley


Darcy said...

Much much love to you all. You are in my thoughts and prayers often.

I love you Ryan!

I'll be comming soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

Ryan - you probably don't remember me, but you help me out at work a couple of months ago when I had just joined and were very patient and above all friendly and cheerful.

We're thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

As a concerned/appreciative Mom/Grandma I would like to add my thanks to all the family and friends who have supported the Vander Wall family at this time of illness and pain. And, thank you, Ryan, for showing "courage and incredible peace". May God bless you every day in your situation.
Mom/Grandma Hekman