
What Now

I'm writing this from Colorado right now. I got on a plane Christmas morning and headed to Denver, where my family was already conveniently assembled for the holiday.

Ryan's service will be held on Thursday, Jan 4th at Faith Evangelical Free Church in Fort Collins, located at 3920 South Shields Street. This is the church than Ryan's parents attend and that Ryan attended for many years growing up.

Soon I will take Ryan's ashes to San Diego, where they will be scattered into the Pacific ocean that he loved so much. I wish we could have made it there sooner, but sometimes the universe refuses to go along with the plans that human beings make.

I assume there will be a wake of sorts in both San Diego and Seattle. I'm a little overwhelmed right now, so if anyone in either of those cities feels like putting that together, please let me know. I know that Ryan would appreciate it if friends and loved ones in his various homes could gather together to share stories and memories of his life.

I know I am not the only one who is grieving and heartbroken right now, but I want to urge you all to celebrate the magnificent opportunity we have each day to show our love toward each other.

Please be kind to your loved ones, to strangers, and to animals (especially cats.) Know that when Ryan died, he left an empty space, but that the empty space is much smaller than the love and joy that he filled us with during his life, and that can never be undone.



Praying for you all.

Shericat said...

We'll be keeping a loving eye on Mr. Gibson for you, and we'll gladly take on any memorial arrangements when you get back. You're an insanely strong person to be getting through this at all, you're in our thoughts daily Kendra.

Darcy said...

I think I felt his presence last night. I'm not very poetic with words, but it was beautiful.

Thank you to everyone for their prayers. I put word out into my communities and am pleased by the responses of strangers in support of Ryan and all of us who loved him.

I believe Amber is planning a gathering for all of us in San Diego. I will be making the trip from Honolulu to be there.


Anonymous said...

The last time I saw Ryan, he and Johnzo and I listened The Steel Tigers of Death and worked out an insane business plan involving gaming geeks, Nevada, and a fleet of semi trucks.

He was so damn funny. We're missing him already.

Take care, Kendra. We'll see you at the memorial.

-- Victoria (and Johnzo)

Anonymous said...


This is Kelly one of Ryan's friends. I got together with Amber the other night, we are arranging a memorial service for Ryan in San Diego. We reserved a beautiful room in a local restuarant that Ryan loved. We plan on putting together some collages of Ryan during his life. So if you have any pictures please e-mail them to me and my sister and we will put together a beautiful collage in photoshop which we will take to Kinko's and have printed up on poster board. I will print one for you as well to keep. We plan on having his friends say a few words about the remarkable person he was and remains to be in our memories. My prayers are with you Kendra during this difficult time. I know you are not religious but, I take comfort in this scripture: "The lord is near all those broken in heart and those crushed in spirit he saves". I'm sure we will all meet again. ~ Kelly G. and Evan
e-mail: Kelly_kg@sbcglobal.net
Phone: (858)349-4431

Anonymous said...

Amber and his many San Diego friends are organizing an SD tribute. I am reposting here the tentative schedule of events so that people may begin to plan for this. If any questions regarding this come up please feel free to contact Siviak@gmail.com or aggona@gmail.com

Also, as Ryan was a very spiritual person with many facets to his soul, he expressed an interest in alternative ways to the other side. As part of a specific last request he related to a dear friend, there will be a viking-style tribute. If you are interested in participating in this portion of his Tribute weekend, please contact Siviak, Eris, or DBCooper at their gmail.com addresses.This event will be included in the weekend already in the planning stages as seen below.

From: aGGona
Date: Dec 26, 2006 5:49 PM
Subject: Ryans Weekend


I am working on Ryans "memorial" ( I must find a better word, I cringe
every time I have to use that)
Thus far :

Friday, January 19th : Bonfire Bon Voyage
4pm Ocean Beach Tower 3
There will be food and firewood, bring your drinks!

Saturday, January 20th : Happy Hour Farewell
4pm Fiddlers Green
Buffet provided, cash bar

Sunday,January 21st Benefit Show
9pm Winsons Right now, Jules is looking to get a Johnny Cash cover band
Raising money for 2 Memorial Tiles on Newport.

I wanted to give you guys a heads up in case you can make it down to SD.
I think Ryan would like ya here!

Lemme know!

Anonymous said...

It is heartwarming to hear the many tributes to Ryan from people who loved him as we do. 29 years just doesn't seem like enough... The service in Ft. Collins at Faith Evangelical Free Church will be at 11:00 am, with time to visit afterward. We hope that the roads and airports will allow many of you to come. We'd love to meet more of Ryan's friends. Thanks again for your prayers and love.

Anonymous said...


I have to say your idea is awesome! See you in SD.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Ryan. I enjoyed meeting him. Keep us posted on any wake in Seattle.

Anonymous said...


Nothing has been finalized for Ryans Tribute Weekend, yet.

Plans will be anounced
when everything is properly secured.

The memorial at Fiddlers will also be RSVP, space is limited, and after everything is planned, will be annouced and posted, to avoid any confusion.

Rest assured, our boy will have a proper send off in the way I we think he would have wanted.

If you have any pics,
There are two projects in the works:

Scrapbook made by Jules:

Collage made by the Gilbert Girls:

For more info, or you need help to find a hotel or something,