
Back on the Grid

Hey Everyone!

Some dude from Comcast just came by and connected us the cable internet at home, so we'll be able to actually update this thing on regular basis.

Also, Ryan now has thousands of hours worth of flash animation and web-cam diatribes at his fingertips.


da3ve said...

AFT! So now you can download my favorite mp3. . .


Baldtel said...


I'm keepin 'em crossed for you. It could be worse ya know. YOu could be in England.

Imagine that.


Take care

Darcy said...

Can't function properly without cable internet connection!
Glad we'll be able to get more updates now!

Hugs!, ~Darcy

Unknown said...

Allrigt dude. Now that you have broadband, you'll have to check youtube.com and watch the music video of the student at UCLA getting tasered. You'll be cracking up:


Love Mario

PS what are you wearing?

noid said...

The other day me and some of my Search and Rescue friends were discussing the 'Rule of 3s'. You can go 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. We decided to update it with a new one '3 seconds without broadband'

aGGona said...

Collecting pics at..



Anonymous said...

There is info and updates at my Myspace account, I wasn't sure how
proper it would be to put here, but I get calls for updates and thats where they are!

Ryan sounded so wonderful when I spoke to him yesterday!

Our Nethere Christmas party is tomarrow, and Fish is setting up iChat for Ryan and Kendra to
attend the party! Nethere is sending over dinner for them to
enjoy while they watch us.

I think that is just awesome!

Anonymous said...


Definately glad your back online & hope you had a fabulous time at the Nethere Christmas party! I'm sure it was probably amusing to stream live video of your intoxicated friends. Black male tapes are always good ;) Give me a holler some time Mr. Ryanontherun.
~ Kelly G. and of course Mr. Evan

Anonymous said...

I don't know how or why, but I believe with all my heart and soul that you are going to make it. Keep fighting my brother keep fighting and I'll see you back in OB soon...